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DLSS Swapper

Uninstall DLSS Swapper Beta

Versions of DLSS Swapper before v1.0 could be installed from the Microsoft Store or by installing from GitHub (which also involved installing and trusting our custom certificates). As of v1.0 the app is no longer available on Microsoft Store, nor does it require installing custom certificates.

These instructions are specifically for people to remove the Microsoft Store version of the game and/or our custom certificates.

  1. Open apps & features by opening Settings > Apps > Apps & features (or you can try click here)

  2. Search DLSS Swapper.

Apps and features screen showing search results of dlss-swapper

  1. Expand DLSS Swapper and click Uninstall

DLSS Swapper uninstall button visible by expanding the search result in apps and features

Additional instructions if you installed via GitHub

If you have only ever installed via the Microsoft Store this section does not apply to you. This is only for those who originally installed from GitHub which also required that you install a developer certificate.

  1. Open Manage user certificates

Start menu showing manage user certificates app

  1. Expand Trusted People and select Certificates to see dlss-swapper

Start menu showing manage user certificates app

If you don’t see Certificates option or dlss-swapper then it is possible you either:

  1. Right mouse click the dlss-swapper certificate and select Delete.

  2. Select Yes when prompted to permanently delete.

Prompt showing user the option to permanently delete the dlss-swapper certificate